Dear Esteemed Speakers,

We are honored to have you present at the Baltic Congress of Radiology 2024. To ensure a smooth and professional experience for both speakers and attendees, please adhere to the following guidelines for your presentations.

1. Presentation Format and Preparation

  • File Format:
    • Presentations must be prepared in Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt or .pptx) format.
    • If you are using Keynote or other presentation software, please export your presentation to PowerPoint format.
  • Aspect Ratio:
    • Use a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio for optimal display on our screens.
  • Fonts and Text:
    • Use standard fonts such as Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman to avoid compatibility issues.
    • Title Text: At least 44 pt
    • Main Text: At least 32 pt
    • Subtext: At least 28 pt
  • Colors and Backgrounds:
    • Use high-contrast color schemes for readability (e.g., dark text on a light background).
    • Avoid using overly bright or clashing colors.
  • Images and Graphics:
    • Ensure all images are high-resolution and relevant to your content.
    • Use charts and graphs to illustrate data effectively.
    • Label all images and graphics clearly.
  • Multimedia Elements:
    • If including videos or audio, embed them directly into the presentation.
    • Supported video formats: MP4, WMV.
    • Test multimedia elements beforehand to ensure they work seamlessly.
  • Congress logo:
    • You may download and add congress logo to presentation. See the variants logo below.

2. Content Guidelines

  • Language:
    • All presentations must be delivered in English.
  • Structure:
    • Title Slide: Include presentation title, your name, affiliation, and contact information.
    • Disclosure Slide: Declare any conflicts of interest or disclosures after the title slide.
    • Outline Slide: Briefly outline the key points of your presentation.
    • Content Slides: Organize content logically with clear headings and bullet points.
    • Conclusion Slide: Summarize key takeaways and implications.
    • Acknowledgments Slide: Recognize contributors and funding sources.
    • References Slide: Cite key references if applicable.
  • Content Quality:
    • Ensure the information is accurate, evidence-based, and up-to-date.
    • Avoid using excessive text; focus on key points and visuals.
    • Use professional language and avoid jargon when possible.

3. Bringing Your Presentation

  • USB Flash Drive:
    • Please bring your presentation on a USB flash drive.
    • Ensure that the flash drive is free of viruses and malware.
    • It’s recommended to have a backup copy on another device or cloud storage.
  • File Compatibility:
    • Test your presentation on a Windows-based computer to ensure compatibility.
    • If your presentation includes videos or special fonts, ensure they are embedded correctly.

4. On-Site Presentation Guidelines

  • Uploading Presentation:
    • Arrive at your session room at least 15 minutes before the session starts.
    • Locate the session chair or technical assistant to assist you in uploading your presentation to the conference laptop.
    • Test your presentation to ensure it displays correctly.
  • Technical Assistance:
    • Technical staff will be available in each session room to assist with any issues.
  • Presentation Timing:
    • Duration: Adhere strictly to your allotted time (available in final programme).
    • Punctuality: Be present for the entire session to support fellow presenters and participate in discussions.
  • During Presentation:
    • Use the provided remote clicker and laser pointer.
    • Microphones will be set up for optimal audio.

5. Equipment and Compatibility

  • Provided Equipment:
    • A Windows-based laptop with Microsoft Office 2019 will be connected to the projector.
    • Projector and screen set to 16:9 aspect ratio.
    • Audio playback capabilities.
  • Personal Devices:
    • Use of personal laptops is not recommended to prevent technical delays.
  • Fonts and Compatibility:
    • If using special fonts, embed them into your PowerPoint file.

6. Internet and Live Demonstrations

  • Internet Access:
    • Internet connectivity is available but not guaranteed; plan accordingly.
  • Live Demos:
    • If your presentation requires a live demonstration, notify us in advance.
    • Have a backup plan in case of connectivity issues.

7. Ethical Considerations

  • Patient Privacy:
    • Remove any patient identifiers from images and data.
    • Obtain necessary consent for the use of patient information.
  • Copyright:
    • Ensure you have the rights to all content used in your presentation.
    • Cite sources appropriately.

8. Contact Information

For any questions or assistance, please contact:

9. Additional Tips for an Effective Presentation

  • Engagement:
    • Start with a strong opening to capture the audience’s attention.
    • Encourage interaction by posing questions or inviting discussion.
  • Clarity:
    • Speak clearly and at a measured pace.
    • Avoid reading directly from slides.
  • Practice:
    • Rehearse your presentation multiple times.
    • Time yourself to ensure you stay within the allotted time.
  • Backup Materials:
    • Have printed handouts or digital copies available if appropriate.

10. Important Reminders

  • Session Attendance:
    • Arrive early to upload and test your presentation.
    • Stay for the entire session to engage with fellow presenters and attendees.

We greatly appreciate your cooperation and contribution to making BCR 2024 a success. We look forward to your insightful presentation!